Delphinus School of Natural History

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Girl Scout Troop 40300 Exploring the Salt Marsh

We began our day at the top of White's Point, so the troop could get a visual perspective of the size of the estuary, and the fresh and salt water entry points.  The effects of the tide changes on water levels. was obvious, because Grassy Island and the surrounding mud, were clearly visible.  Next we explored the salt marsh, and the scouts examined horn snails, and observed the behavior o numerous shore birds probing the mud flats for worms, ghost shrimp, and crabs. . The girls wee really excited about hunting for crabs as well. They collected several in plastic containers, and then  we discussed how to tell the difference between genders, why they hid under rocks, and their general life cycle. There was a flock of White pelicans hanging out on the creek banks'  There were dozens of shorebirds taking advantage of the day's minus tides to probe the mud for food several yards off shore, and brown pelicans were diving for bait fish in the bay as well.  Not a bad way to start the afternoon.